Friday, July 3, 2009

I am an Unconscious Spender

Took this quiz a while back. Still can't believe how accurate it is.

Check out your results below and see what type of spender you are.

Unconscious Spender

Wake up! Stumbling through your financial life means you won't sleep peacefully in years to come. Do yourself a favor and get your financial life in order now, so that you can start to move in the direction of your dreams. Unconscious spenders mistake financial ignorance for freedom, and, by avoiding the financial realities of life, end up shackled to debt and working long after their friends have retired. The bottom line: You get less for your hard-earned cash than your savvy friends.

The key to getting more of what you want is knowing what it is that you do want. I know this sounds obvious, but how long has it been since you have stopped and asked yourself what you really want from life? It’s very easy to be caught up in the day-to-day living and never step back and take a look at all the decisions you make about how you live your life and how you spend your money.

If your money management is not focused on getting what you really want, you are an Unconscious Spender. Unconscious Spenders are not necessarily overspenders, compulsive spenders, or irrational spenders. They are simply spenders who are not really conscious of where their money goes.

So how do you better manage the flow of money in your life? A great place to start is with the three rules of money management that underlie Conscious Spending:

1. Live within your means.

Except for people who are really facing hard times, living within your means is not about how much money you have; it’s about your attitude towards the money you have. It’s about living in the present, not mortgaging the future.

2. Take care of your own future.

Saving is not about self-deprivation, it’s about preparing to spend in the future and being able to live the good life throughout your whole life. Saving for your future is not a nice extra; it’s an absolute necessity.

3. Maximize your pleasure.

Have fun. Not just some, but as much as you can afford. The bottom line is you don’t know how long your journey on Earth will be, so I believe you should have as much pleasure as you can afford to have.

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