Friday, July 3, 2009


Yet another old post that I think still applies, especially with her attempts to cling to power via a constitutional assembly.

Apparently, President Arroyo has lost her mind. I’m sorry but that’s the only reason I could come up with for her rash actions. Declaring a state of emergency is just a step shy of declaring Martial Law. There is no excuse for it whatsoever. The people have a right to be outraged! Not only was it stupid but it was also very dangerous. If it had been met with little resistance, then we would be under Martial rule right now. That’s what happened with Marcos. Do we really want a repeat of that part of our history? Of course not!

So I say we should thank these so called “anti-everything groups” for not only pointing out the folly of Mrs. Arroyo’s actions, but also for doing something about it. In my opinion, they aren’t mere “anti-everything groups”. They are pro democracy, something that is seriously lacking in our country today. Why do I say that? After all, we have the basic freedoms. We have freedom of speech, religion, assembly, etc. However, real democracy means that the people are in power. I remember this distinctly from my Pol Sci 1 class. It’s not enough that we enjoy some freedoms. What’s important is that we are IN POWER. Sadly, this is not the case in our country. The elite few are still in power. Leaving us poor souls in the dark about how our country is being exploited. Yes, our country is being exploited. Multi-national corporations abound. Some say they are heaven sent. They provide jobs and bring much needed dollars into our economy. What they don’t reveal is that these same corporations are bleeding the country dry, exploiting our natural resources and cheap labor. Some might say work is work, right? I humbly disagree. Being treated as a real human being means that you are given your dignity. And that means you are granted humane working conditions and well compensated. You might say I’m a hypocrite for saying this. After all, I work for an American firm. But I guess I’m just one of the few who are less exploited. Still exploited, only to a lower degree. Anyway, I digress. What I’m really trying to say is that being “anti-everything” is not so bad. It keeps us safe from tyrants and dictators and helps us sleep soundly at night.

I think it is unfair to say that these groups are the reason our economy is in such bad state. Mrs. Arroyo and her cohorts are doing a mighty fine job at driving our economy to the dumps, if you ask me. I’m saying that as long as the elite few control our economy and politics, then we have no chance at all at having a better life. I say we should be more vigilant, active and conscious of our country’s conditions. Some say we should blame ourselves and not the government. They are partially right. After all, we put these people in power (although some of them did a great job at putting themselves in power, without the people’s help, if you know what I mean). However, let’s not forget that we are often left with very few choices. We are only given the chance to choose the lesser evil, which in my opinion is a travesty. We deserve better choices, a better life. Until we get that, we need watchdogs like the groups we call anti-everything. They keep us from making the same mistakes over and over again. We make our future happen, so we should have some semblance of control over it, right?

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