Sunday, October 3, 2010

Thank God for Rosary Month

I think the title should say Thank God for the Rosary but I wanted to place emphasis on this month as Rosary month. Wala lang. I just love the thought of going back to our habit of praying the rosary as a family. My lola and I have been praying the Rosary for three straight days now. It's been awesome. It was a bit hard during day 1 but eventually it became easier and the habit is now back so yay!

I so miss praying the Rosary. It makes everything light and shines a bright light on the things and areas in my life that are weighing me down. And you know what I discovered? Pride is the heaviest thing any human being can bear. It's not even worth the mention but I want to emphasize this now. Pride is horrible! It's demeaning. It takes away human dignity, both from the bearer and the people around them. Trust me, I know. It's debilitating and it gives you physical pain! Seriously! Not enough !!! can express how disgusting the effects of pride is. So I will stop here.

One thing I do know is this. I will not end a post in a negative note. Nor anything else I write or say or do for that matter. Tonight I make a pledge with Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary that I will strive to avoid everything negative -- habits, thought patterns, and everything else that comes from me. That is my cross and I will bear it willingly. I say no to negativity and yes to Jesus Christ tonight! And I will stand by that promise.

And so as a closing, I will say a little prayer. Lord Jesus, please guide me, protect me from evil in all its forms. I promise to be humbly obedient to your will and I will do everything I can to praise and adore you Lord Jesus. I will glorify your name forever. Mama Mary, I pray that each night as we pray the Rosary, please bring me and my family closer to Jesus each day. This I ask in the might name of Jesus, Amen.


Mama Mary, I love you. Please remind me to pray the Rosary each day so that as you bless me and my family, I may thank you and our Lord Jesus Christ, Our Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit, every single day. Thank you. This I ask in Jesus name. Amen.

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