Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Value of Gratitude

I have to admit this, the power of gratitude is awesome. It's like giving back to our Maker, the one who created us. It's true, no doubt about it. Gratitude is wonderful. It's like a boomerang that once thrown out there doesn't just come back to bless you, it blesses the people around you. All you have to do is have a love tank big enough to catch and store and share all the blessings that God is sure to send your way. A multitude of blessings, a virtual shower, a myriad of blessings that our hands cannot count.

It's true, God is awesome. He's the best giver who can never be outdone when it comes to giving. He gives and gives and gives. And no matter how much we try to give back in return, He is never outdone. Do you notice a pattern here? I did and I do now. God's grace and love is infinite. Mere mortals like us will never unravel His mystery and I'm cool with that. I'm so grateful right now, my chest is swelling with all the Thank You Lord that I want to shout out.

But now I have to bid you all Nyt Nyt and rest. Remember, the power of Gratitude is awesome. Our God is an Awesome God. I'm so glad to have Jesus with me and my loved ones every step of the way. I hope you have Him by your side too. No matter what happens, I know I will always be in love with life. Thank you Jesus!

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