Sunday, April 22, 2012

My Gratitude List for Easter

Wow! It's been a while since I've written down the things that I'm grateful for. I'm not sure why but I've been avoiding it for weeks now. Call it laziness or spending time on less important stuff or being too preoccupied with work but I think it all boils down to two things -- fear and slight discouragement. I know that probably doesn't make much sense but those two combined can be quite volatile. All I know is that I need to get back into the habit of writing down the things that I'm thankful for because it adds more meaning to my daily life. It's like a daily habit that I need to cultivate because it helps remind me that no matter how bad things go, no matter how awful I feel, no matter how things appear, God always provides. And so, I'm back, stronger and more upbeat! At least, I hope so. lol.

Today is extra special coz it's Easter Sunday so I need to give an extra shout out!

Thank you Heavenly Father for sending our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to save us! Thank you Lord Jesus for coming here on earth and making the ultimate sacrifice -- dying on the Cross to save sinners like me! Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to strengthen and cleanse us on a daily basis! Thank you Lord Jesus for being our constant pillar, our inspiration, especially when our crosses get heavy! Thank you for being the best role model, for setting the best example, for lifting up our weary hearts and spirits, for never letting go, no matter how far away we run from you, for being our Good Shepherd! I love you Lord Jesus and I always will! Please forgive my sins and iniquities! Blessed be your name now and forever! Amen.

Thank you God for the gifts of life and love, the gift of salvation, which we celebrate today. Thank you for the gifts of loving family and friends who not only understand but bear our crosses with us. Thank you God for being our center. May your love reign in our hearts always and forever.

Thank you God for inspiring us to move mountains. Thank you for sending your instruments to guide us. Please use me Lord Jesus to build God's kingdom here on earth. Thank you for erasing the confusion and the doubt and for standing by me while I was struggling with those doubts. Thank you Jesus for never giving up on me no matter how bad things got, no matter how much I rebelled, no matter how much I fought, You prevailed Lord Jesus. And now, I'm sure that you always will. Thank you Jesus, Amen.

As I start this new week, may you remain as my center, may you continue to light my path, may you continue to guide my steps and lead me closer to you, our source, guide and goal. Please cleanse me Lord Jesus, through the power of your Holy Spirit, and help me renounce the things that are blocking your grace from enveloping my heart, my mind and my soul. Teach me to serve you in every way I can and please give me the wisdom, enlightenment and discernment so that every opportunity will be used for the benefit of our Holy Church, and even stumbling blocks will become opportunities for me to put you first Lord Jesus. Once again, Lord Jesus, I surrender to your Holy will, I deny myself, I will carry my cross and follow you Lord Jesus. Please walk with me always, this I ask in Jesus' name. Amen.

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