Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Why Numbers Should Not (And No Longer) Matter

One of my former clients once told me, "Show me that numbers don't matter."

I found this phrase kind of interesting because I really didn't get it at first. Back then, we were discussing a business venture that could potentially benefit the both of us. For weeks I could not get this phrase out of my head. I still don't fully understand what this means but it sure struck a chord in me.

Today, when most people just care about numbers - age, weight, height, income, etc. - it is refreshing to know that we can (and should) live in a world where numbers don't matter. Just think how freeing it would be to not care about our age, weight or social security number! lol. I am getting ahead of myself.

You know why I really love this idea? Numbers have always held me back. I used to obsess about how much I weigh and at what age I might go through menopause and all that stuff. Looking back, I figure it would be so much fun to just throw those numbers in the air and forget about them. I am not a fan of numbers. I was not very good in math growing up though I had a couple of good semesters in the spotlight back in college. Aced Algebra, Trigonometry and Statistics (working part-time too.) Thanks in part to carefully written notes (my friend's and mine. no cheating, mind you. lol).

I am officially in transition from youth to well... you know. Turning 36 used to be scary because of that darn train. Until I realized that I probably should not even be on that train to begin with. They say that when our age falls off the calendar, we should go for that last trip. Well, I have been on a few taxicab trips of late and what most of the drivers ask is my age, my marital status and if I have kids. I know, very intrusive. I like to talk but I used to really dislike these subjects. I'm like, "why is it any business of yours?" Of course, I don't say that out loud but you can imagine my consternation when guys started asking these questions again.

Just this week I realized something. I don't really care anymore about "missing the train," menopause, growing old and all that jazz. All that really does is bring me down so I am making this promise to myself. I may no longer be on the calendar but that won't stop me from having fun! Seriously! I only go through each bend once so I may as well enjoy this ride, train or no train. See you all at the bright side (or at the bright end of the tunnel! :)

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