Thursday, March 28, 2019

An Attitude of Gratitude Goes a Long Way

They say an attitude of gratitude will help us go through life with flying colors. And I agree. Being grateful helps us remember how much we already have. These are the people and things I am grateful for right now:

God's Love
God's Grace
God's Mercy 
God's presence in my life
God's gifts and blessings
My life
My health
My family
My friends
The food we eat each day
The clothes on my back
The roof over my head
Work that I love

There are so much more blessings to be grateful for but these 13 are at the top of my list.

I hope to travel again someday when I have the funds to do so. I am grateful and content now.

I pray that an avalanche of blessings will come this year, In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
