I read this today and thought it's worth sharing. This is from Bo Sanchez, one of my mentors. The topic is quite interesting and he's managed to make it even more so. Clap clap!
How To Enjoy Your Wealth
For 3 weeks, I’ve been sharing a 4-part series on money.
Here’s my last installment: How to Enjoy Wealth.
Before I tell you how, here are two Bible passages about enjoying your wealth.
Ecclesiastes 5:19 says, If God gives a man wealth and property and lets him enjoy them, he should be grateful and enjoy what he has worked for. It is a gift from God.
Some are surprised by that passage.
Here’s one more...
Sirach 14:5 says, How can you be generous with others if you are stingy with yourself, if you are not willing to enjoy your own wealth? No one is worse off than someone who is stingy with himself; it is a sin that brings its own punishment.
Yes, God wants you to enjoy your wealth.
But you’ve got to enjoy it in a particular way.
What way?
God’s way!
Remember These 3 Investments
I’ve mentioned this before, but I need to say it again. Divide your money into three investments:
Step 1: Invest 10% in your Eternity
Step 2: Invest 20% in your Maturity
Step 3: Invest 70% in your Family
Step 2: Invest 20% in your Maturity
Step 3: Invest 70% in your Family
In reality, everything is an investment.
Step 1: Invest 10% in your Eternity. You’re a spiritual being. You will live forever. When you tithe, you’re declaring you’re merely passing this world and that Heaven is your future home.
Step 2: Invest 20% in your Maturity. Your biggest expense isn’t your car or your home. Your biggest expense is your retirement. You don’t want to grow old and poor. You don’t even want to grow old and rich. (Believe me, thats not fun too.) You want to grow old, rich, and generous.
Step 3: Invest 70% in your Family. Don’t invest in things. Invest in people. Don’t invest in stuff. Invest in relationships. Because the best investment in the world isn’t bonds, stocks, oil, silver, or gold. The best investment in the world is love.
Let me now give you my 3 rules on enjoying wealth God’s way.
(To continue reading Bo's inspiring article, click here.)