You Can Make Your Life Beautiful is one of the most heart-warming, inspiring, uplifting books I have ever read. I was laughing for the most part but one chapter really tugged at my hearstrings and brought tears to my eyes. (I’m sorry for your loss Bo. I believe what you wrote is true, Angel is talking about you and her lovely Mom all the time. I know she’s making God very happy, and that’s such a joy.)
You Can Make Your Life Beautiful is such an amazing gift for everyone. It’s message is simple yet it left me with conflicting emotions – a sense of peace and a yearning to do more. Perhaps spend more time with my family and friends, or make someone, just one person happy today, or spend quality time with the Lord. The seeds are there, firmly planted. My next step is to nurture those seeds and plant seeds of love in my own backyard, in my family. Amazing what a book can do, right? That’s how enthused I get whenever I read a good book, especially an inspiring one. It spurs me into action. And it inspires me to write too.
I really enjoy reading Bo’s books because aside from the fact that he keeps his chapters really short, he has a marvelous sense of humour without taking away from his message – that God loves all of us equally and He wants all of us to be happy. It’s that simple. And I love being reminded of the fact that our God is a happy, loving, forgiving God, who wants the best for us, no matter how bad we are or no matter how bad things get.
He is a source of Love, happiness and strength and His presence in our lives never wavers. It’s such a comfort to know that God will always be there, and that we can do something about our lives with him as our center. I’ve always had trouble surrendering my life to God because I get tied down with semantics and material things sometimes, that I forget that we have a greater purpose. This book is a gentle reminder that our life is how we choose it to be. And that is good enough for me.
I choose to be happy and I choose to let go because I know God will take care of me and He will take care of the rest of us. God is a happy God. Ain’t that grand? And it is true. God does answer prayers His own way. Even unsaid prayers, he gives to us. Patience truly is a virtue that is of divine origin. And, from what I’ve read, so is obedience, humility, prudence, temperance. In His Time.
I guess the main lesson I’ve learned from this book, which I could not stop reading, is this – how our life turns out is our choice. We can choose to live a beautiful life, with God’s help and guidance, or we can choose to turn away from Him and be miserable. If there’s one thing that I’ve learned from this book which I can also relate to my own life, it’s that God still has a way of bringing us back to His warm embrace, though pain, trials and sufferings may lead us away from Him. Truly, He is a faithful God, a Loving God and I am glad to be part of his flock.
Thank you Lord for your guidance. My life is beautiful because of you. I am sorry for those times when I have caused you pain. Lord Jesus, you will always be my God, my Savior, my Lord, my King and my Friend. Thank you for this book. I learned new things today. Hurray! Yes, I will make my life beautiful, and I hope to make other people’s life a bit more beautiful too, in Jesus’ name. Praise you Lord Jesus. Amen.